Charge Term Definitions

A reference guide to charge term definitions.

Account Management (Invoiced as Account Management) – A charge to cover agreed-upon fixed costs associated with servicing a client. This could include a part-time or full-time account manager, information technology costs, infrastructure costs, and third party contracted services.

Account Setup (Invoiced as Account Setup) – The initial charge to set up a client in our system including entry of client contacts, billing information, CRM assignment, consignee information,  assigning shipping documents & standardized reports, and setting up client document distribution procedures.

Banding (Invoiced as Banding Product) – The labor charge to apply plastic or metal banding straps in order to secure the product.  An additional charge for materials may be charged on a “cost-plus” basis, if not supplied by the client.

Bill of Lading – See Customized Shipping Documents

Blending/Mixing/Dilution (Invoiced as Blending/Mixing/Dilution) – The charge to blend, mix or dilute client product. WSI supplied water if required, is not included in the rate.

Blocking & Bracing – See Load Securement

Bundle Wrap Securement (Invoiced as Material Handler Labor & Lift Truck) – The labor charge for the repair or securement of existing bundle wrapping that has been damaged or has come loose.

Call In (Invoiced as Call-In Charge) –  The charge for an employee’s return to a facility due to a client request for services. This is in addition to any handling or other charges.

Case Labels or Case Labeling – See Labeling-Package/Unit

Case Picking –  See Pick Charge-Unit

Clean-up & Dunnage Removal (Invoiced as Cleaning or Material Handler Labor) – A labor charge to clean transportation equipment and remove/discard dunnage material during the inbound or outbound process. An additional disposal charge may also apply.

Clerical Labor (Invoiced as Clerical Labor) – A labor charge associated with fulfilling client-related office and transportation functions. If pricing is unitized, this charge will apply to activities that exceed those defined in the Scope of Work.

Customer System Data Entry (Invoiced as Clerical Labor) – A labor charge related to the time that WSI staff spends entering data into our client’s IT system or into a 3rd party IT system on behalf of our client.

Collateral Materials (Invoiced as Collateral Materials) – The charge to pick and insert collateral materials (catalogs, inserts, promotional material) into boxes or envelopes.

Committed Space (Invoiced as Committed Space) – A designated amount paid by the client for the use of space exclusively for their product. Committed Space is charged on a gross basis, which is inclusive of all costs associated with space.

Container Stuffing (Invoiced as Container Stuffing) – The charge to load empty containers for export shipment. This charge includes a visual inspection of the container for damage, loading the product into the container, which may involve hand-stacking, and the sealing of the container. This charge does not include creating export paperwork, load securement, crating or other product

Cross Dock (Invoiced as Cross Dock) – The charge to unload product from a truck, container, or railcar into another transportation vehicle(s) for delivery. It is most commonly used when the inbound transportation vehicle cannot be used to make the delivery of the outbound order. Additional staging or storage charges may apply to product that remains at the facility beyond the allotted cross-dock period.

Customized Shipping Documents (Invoiced as Bill of Lading, Packing List, or International Invoice) – Hourly charge to cover the administrative cost of generating/maintaining customized shipping documents (when the standard WSI system-generated bill of lading/packing list does not meet the client’s needs).

Customs (Invoiced as Formal Customs) – The charge to generate and file paperwork as required by the U.S. Customs Service in order to import/export goods to/from the U.S.

Customs – FTZ Admission Filing (Invoiced as Customs FTZ Admission Filing) – The filing of FTZ receipts with the US Customs & Border Protection for product arriving at a WSI-hosted Foreign Trade Zone.

Customs – FTZ Reporting (Invoiced as Customs FTZ Reporting) – The management of paperwork and report filings for WSI clients who utilize a WSI-hosted Foreign Trade Zone.

Customs – FTZ Miscellaneous (Invoiced as Customs FTZ Miscellaneous) – More defined definition TBD.

Damage – See Product Inspection

Damage Inspection – See Product Inspection

Data Exchange – EDI/API (Invoiced as EDI Charge) – A charge which may be incurred when WSI electronically communicates with our client, the client’s customer, or a third party; such as a retailer, data trading community partner, or transportation company. This could be an initial setup charge and an ongoing charge.

Deferred Handling In/Out (Invoiced as Handling In/Out) – A single, combined charge which is applied at the time of product receipt at our facility. The charge includes inbound handling as well as outbound handling.

Demurrage Administration (Invoiced as Demurrage Administration) – Pursuant to Section 6(e) of the Standard Terms & Conditions issued by WSI with each rate letter, “the warehouse shall
not be liable for any demurrage or detention, any delays in unloading inbound cars, trailers or other containers, or any delays in obtaining and loading cars, trailer or other containers for outbound shipment unless Warehouse has failed to exercise reasonable care.” The charge to cover WSI’s cost(s) to research and administer a railroad demurrage invoice. It will be applied under one of
the following scenarios: If WSI is invoiced demurrage by a railroad on behalf of a client, the client will be rebilled the amount of the demurrage plus the Demurrage Administrative Charge. If the client requests WSI to research a demurrage bill and WSI’s actions did not cause the demurrage, the Demurrage Administration Charge will be charged.

Detention (Invoiced as Detention Charge) – A charge incurred to cover carrier equipment and/or driver wait time in excess of the agreed-upon free time at the delivery point or at a WSI site. This cost could be incurred at the delivery point when WSI arranges or provides transportation. This cost could also be incurred at a WSI site if the carrier arrives without an appointment if the carrier misses their appointment or the product in the trailer/container is such that it cannot be unloaded in the free time allotted by the carrier.

Devanning/Unstuffing/Stripping/Unloading (Invoiced as Handling In or Unloading Services) – The charge to unload floor stacked product from a container or trailer. The charge includes unloading, sorting, visual damage inspection, placement of the product on pallets, and entry of the inventory into our system. It does not include the stretch-wrapping of the pallets or the putaway of the product in the facility.

DHS Reporting – See Regulatory & Environmental Reporting

Dispatch – See Transportation Coordination

Disposal (Invoiced as Disposal Charge) – The amount charged to dispose of a client’s product or dunnage from a shipment based on an agreed-upon disposal method that satisfies the client’s requirements as well as the requirements of the proper regulatory authorities. Disposal charges may include outside disposal charges, regulatory reporting charges, and internal labor costs. This
definition excludes any reference to chemicals or waste. WSI is not responsible for the disposal of chemicals or chemical waste.

Drumming – See Product Transfer

Dunnage – See “WSI Supplied Materials”

Expedited Order – See Order Expediting

Export Packaging (Invoiced as Export Packaging) A charge to prepare and protect products for export. This could include pallet construction, heat poly wrap, strip crating, or enclosed crates. Container stuffing and load securement are usually billed separately.

Flex Project Labor (Invoiced as Flex Project Labor) – Hourly charge for providing non-skilled labor resources on a temporary basis. This charge excludes clerical or material handler resources.

Forwarding Fee (Invoiced as Freight)– A charge to cover the administrative costs of coordinating international shipments (ocean/air) with a licensed freight forwarder.

Fuel Surcharge (FSC) (Invoiced as Fuel Surcharge) – The charge is a component of total transportation cost, and is applied as a percentage of the quoted base rate. While the base rate is normally locked in for a set period of time (typically through the end of the current calendar year). FSC is subject to change (+/-) weekly and is updated each Monday via a matrix linking the current price per gallon of diesel fuel (“On Highway” National Average as published weekly by the Dept. of Energy) to a specific fuel surcharge percentage.

Hand Stacking (Invoiced as Hand Stacking) – The charge associated with the process of using hand labor to build the client’s defined, unitized pallet configurations. This charge also applies to hand stacking product from pallets into a floor loaded container.

Handling In (Invoiced as Handling In)The charge associated with the receipt of a client’s inbound shipment. The Handling In charge is applied at the time the material is unloaded and received into the inventory and may be accompanied by other charges.

Handling Out (Invoiced as Handling Out) – The charge associated with fulfilling a client’s outbound order. The Handling Out charge is applied at the time the order is loaded and shipped and may be accompanied by other charges.

Handling Surcharge (Invoiced as Handling Surcharge) – A set charge that applies if the mode of transportation or order composition differs from that which was assumed and priced in the rate agreement.

Hookup & Cleaning (Invoiced as Hookup or Cleaning) – The charge to setup and hook up the hoses to do a product transfer and then to clean up after the transfer. This is in addition to the Product Transfer charge.

Inbound Receipt Arrives without ASN –  Means an Advance Shipping Notice was not provided to WSI via EDI, API, or WSI’s customer portal prior to the inbound arriving at the WSI facility.

Import Security Filing (Invoiced as Freight) – Charge to cover the cost of transmitting cargo information (for security purposes) to U.S. Customs, at least 24 hours before goods are loaded onto an ocean vessel destined for the U.S.

Information Services (Invoiced as Information Services) – Hourly charge to perform such functions as creating customized document/report and label creation, EDI support beyond initial setup, file manipulation, custom software development, etc. This charge is invoiced with a two-hour minimum and in 15-minute increments thereafter.

Initial Storage (Invoiced as Initial Storage) – A storage charge that is applied upon receipt for the initial agreed-upon time period. This time period can be the remainder of the calendar month or be specified in time increments such as 7-days, 15-days, or 30-days.

Inventories & Inventory Research (Invoiced as Inventory & Research) – The charge to research client inventory inquiries that may include conducting physical inventory counts, cycle counts, verification of lot or serial numbers, in-stock inquiries, and verification of product condition and/or transaction history.

Inventory Ownership Transfer (Invoiced as Inventory Ownership Transfer) – The charge associated with a client request to change the ownership status of a specific SKU and quantity of an
inventoried item. Unless otherwise specified in our agreement, the transfer charge will be billed to the client into whose account the product is being transferred.

Kitting (Invoiced as Kitting) – The charge to put various items together into a kit or the package as per client specification, with the end result becoming a new, single SKU. This may also involve labeling, shrink-wrapping, and/or packing the finished kits into an overpack carton.

Label Development (Invoiced as Label Development and Information Services) – The charge for the Information Services resources associated with the development and testing of the retailer or customer-specific labeling as defined by the customer or the retailer in their compliance or routing documentation. The base charge includes up to two hours of development time; additional development time over two hours is charged at the standard Information Services hourly rate.

Labeling – Package/Unit (Standard) (Invoiced as Labeling – Package/Unit) -The charge to apply a label to an individual unit or package.  The label includes information detailing the contents of the package such as product name, SKU, size, quantity and description.  This charge typically includes the cost of generating, printing and applying a label. The cost of the label stock is included unless otherwise specified. This charge does not apply to the standard parcel shipping label (e.g., a FedEx label). This charge assumes that WSI is able to integrate with the Customer’s system (or applicable retailers’ systems) in order to pull information into WSI’s systems and generate labels without manual intervention. Time spent by WSI using Customer’s customers’ portals (e.g., Amazon’s retailer portals), obtaining/printing labels related to such portals (through such portals, websites, email, etc.), formatting such labels, organizing such labels for physical application, and applying such manual labels will incur additional charges (see Non-Automated Label Order Fee and Non-Automated Label Application Surcharge).

Labeling – Package/Unit (Customized) (Invoiced as Labeling – Package/Unit Custom) – The charge to apply a label to an individual unit or package. The label generally includes information required by the consignee such as their product code. This charge typically includes the cost of generating, printing, and applying a label. The label may be generated from either
WSI’s system or the customer’s system. Label stock may be provided by WSI or the customer depending upon the circumstances. This charge is unique to the chemical industry.

LabelingPallet (Invoiced as Labeling – Pallet) The charge to apply a label to aid in the delivery of the product. The label can include, but not be limited to, information such as to/from addresses, PO#, and other retailer or customer-specific information, as well as item or pallet count and retailer distribution center information associated with the pallet. This charge typically includes the cost of generating, printing, and applying a label. Depending on retailer specifications, a pallet can have both a Pallet Label and a Shipping Pallet Label. The cost of the label stock is included unless otherwise specified. This charge does not apply to the standard shipping label. Some industries refer to a pallet label as a “tag” or “license plate”.

Labeling – Shipping (Customized) (Invoiced as Labeling – Shipping) – The charge to apply a label to aid in the delivery of the product. The label includes information such as to/from addresses, carrier name, PRO#, PO#, GTIN barcode, and other retailer-specific information. This charge typically includes the cost of generating, printing, and applying a label. The cost of the label stock is included unless otherwise specified. These labels reflect customization in layout information to meet retailer/end-user specifications. This charge does not apply to the standard shipping label or small parcel carrier-specific labels.

Less Than Full Pallet Pick (Invoiced as Less Than Full Pallet Pick) – The charge to pick a product in other than full pallet increments. This charge is only applied once per order, even if there are several products that have less than full pallet quantities shipping.

Licensing Plating – See Labeling – Pallet

Lift Truck (Invoiced as Lift Truck) – An hourly equipment charge that applies to the use of a lift truck and specialty attachment, if needed in the material handling process. This charge is in addition to the hourly material handler charge. Note: Handling tasks quoted by weight or unit have already factored lift truck charges into their rates.

Load Securement (Invoiced as Load Securement) – A charge to secure a shipment to prevent the shifting of the load during transit by using materials, such as wooden blocks, straps, airbags or void filler. An additional charge for materials may be billed on a “cost-plus” basis, if not supplied by the client.

Load Tendering – See Transportation Coordination Charge

LTL Surcharge (Invoiced as LTL Surcharge) – A fixed charge to cover the additional clerical and material handling labor required to process and load LTL shipments.

Mailing of Paper Invoices to Client (Invoiced as Paper Invoicing) – Our standard delivery method of invoices is via email. Should the client require a paper invoice to be mailed to them this charge will apply.

Manifest creation for hazmat shipments (Invoiced as Clerical Labor) – The charge to manually create a manifest for the shipment of the hazardous waste following EPA guidelines.

Manual Document Creation (Invoiced as Clerical Labor) – The charge to manually create a document, such as (but not limited to) a BOL, Packing List or Receiving Report, if it cannot be generated automatically from our system. This includes handwriting or typing of the document. This charge may also apply when using the client’s system, or an outside party system, to create a paper or electronic document.

Manual Fax/Document Scanning (Invoiced as Document Scanning) – The charge to supply the client or a third party with documents that cannot be automatically sent from our system.

Material Handler Labor (Invoiced as Material Handler Labor) – A labor charge associated with fulfilling client-related facility functions. This charge does not include lift truck usage for the material handler functions. If pricing is unitized, this charge will apply to activities that exceed those defined in the Scope of Work.

Minimum Handling (Invoiced as Minimum Handling) – A minimum dollar amount that is charged for a transaction. It is determined by taking the quoted minimum charge less the calculated handling charges for a transaction. The calculated handling charge does not include storage, ancillary, or value-added service charges.

Minimum Product Transfer (Invoiced as Minimum Transfer Charge) – The minimum dollar amount that is charged to transfer, or pump, a product from one container to another container.

Missed Delivery/Pick Up Appointment – Means a carrier does not arrive at the WSI facility within 30 minutes of the start of the scheduled appointment time; provided, however, if the appointment time is within 1 hour of the closing time of the applicable WSI facility, then, notwithstanding the foregoing, a carrier must arrive within 15 minutes of the start of the scheduled appointment time. This charge does not apply if WSI has been paid to coordinate/arrange/broker the transportation.

Non-Automated Label Order Fee  (Invoiced as Non-Automated Label Order Fee)– a per-order charge imposed if WSI is not able to integrate with the Customer’s system (or applicable retailers’ systems) in order to pull information into WSI’s systems and generate labels without manual intervention. For example, this fee applies if WSI has to manually (rather than through integration) retrieve label files from an external system, website, portal, or email. This fee covers accessing the label files, formatting the label files to match the appropriate dimensions for the label printer, and subsequently printing the labels.

Non-Automated Label Application Surcharge (Invoiced as Non-Automated Label Application Surcharge) – a per-label surcharge (on top of the Standard Label Charge) that covers the organization and physical application of non-integrated labels. This fee applies when WSI is not able to integrate with the Customer’s system (or applicable retailers’ systems), meaning labels are not system-generated as part of the standard pick flow and a manual process is required. This fee arises because, unlike integrated processes where labels are generated and applied seamlessly during picking, the manual process requires WSI to find products on a pallet, pick cart, or staging area and pair them with the appropriate label. This necessitates additional effort, time, and cost for WSI.

Order or Transportation Cancellation & Inventory Restocking (Invoiced as Cancellation & Restocking) – The hourly charge for canceling an order or scheduled, WSI brokered transportation. These cancellations result in clerical time for transportation coordination and/or for order processing, as well as the restocking of any product.

Order Expediting (Invoiced as Order Expediting) – The charge to ship an order within less than the standard lead time.

Order Modifications (Invoiced as Order Modification) – This charge relates to an order change or modification that results in additional costs associated with the request.

Over Packing (Invoiced as Over Packing) – The charge for placing items in a master shipping carton and packing the items to protect them from damage during transit.

Overtime (Invoiced as “Position” – OT) – Unless otherwise agreed upon with the client, overtime rates apply to all hours worked outside of the normal facility hours as defined in the service agreement or documents referenced therein. This charge does not include lift truck usage for the material handler functions.

Pack/Repack (Invoiced as Pack/Repack) – The charge relating to the transfer of product from a bulk container or one package to another. This can include a change of the exterior package and/or the quantity in a package.

Packing List – See Customized Shipping Documents

Pallet Building (aka Palletizing) (Invoiced as Pallet Building) – The charge to place an item, or items, onto a pallet in order to protect the product and/or maximize cube space. The product may be placed on the pallet by hand or by using material handling equipment. This charge does not include banding, stretch wrapping, or the cost of the actual pallet.

Pallet Reconfiguration (Invoiced as Material Handler & Lift Truck) – The charge to reconfigure a pallet of product, such as adding or removing cases from a unitized pallet of the same
SKU or sorting pallets containing mixed SKUs. This reconfiguration applies to receipts or shipments but does not apply to product repackaging.

Pallet Swapping (Invoiced as Pallet Swapping) – A charge which occurs when WSI physically transfers all of the product on one pallet or slip sheet to another pallet. This is done in one movement using a lift truck and attachment, as opposed to pallet building, which entails hand stacking of the product. If stretch wrapping is required, it would be invoiced separately.

Parcel Shipment Surcharge (Invoiced as Parcel Shipment Surcharge) – A fixed charge to cover the additional clerical and material handling labor required to process parcel shipments.

Pick Charge – Lot/Serial/ID# (Invoiced as Pick By Lot/Serial/ID #) – A charge to pick a product based on client-specified release criteria and is charged by the unit.

Pick Charge – Unit (Invoiced as Pick By Item Charge) – The charge to retrieve products from their storage location in preparation for shipment. This could include case, pail, each, or other units of measure, and is charged by the unit.

Initial Pick/Pack Fee (Invoiced as Initial Pick/Pack Fee) – A picking charge that includes a single or first item pick.

Pick/Pack – Additional (Invoiced as Pick/Pack Additional) – The repetitive charge for any items beyond the first pick (see ‘Initial Pick/Pack Fee’).

Placarding (Invoiced as Placarding) – The charge for providing approved DOT placards to the truck driver for placement on the front of their truck and outside of their trailer containing hazardous materials. The driver is responsible for applying the placards. It is also the charge for applying placards to the outside of IBC (intermediate bulk containers) where WSI both provides the placard and applies it.

Product Inspection (Invoiced as Product Inspection) – A charge to examine product according to a set of predefined criteria and to share results of the review with the client. This does not include product inspection, as a part of the inbound process. It also does not include rework, which may be invoiced separately. WSI’s standard receipt process, as defined in the WSI SOW, includes a visual inspection of the product (largest packaged unit shipped) at the time of receipt:

  • If the product is unloaded using a lift truck, a visual inspection is performed from the lift truck. If the product is unloaded by hand, then the inspection involves a cursory inspection of the exterior of each master carton.
  • The exterior product condition is visually checked using client-provided damage criteria or WSI’s standard damage criteria.
  • If the damage is identified, detailed inspection and processing will occur as defined in the WSI SOW or per previously agreed-upon client specifications. At this point, the product inspection becomes a separate billable event. Product Inspection is billed at an hourly rate unless a fixed rate has been previously negotiated between client and WSI.

Product Protection Application (Invoiced as Material Handler Labor) – A labor charge to add protective material (such as corner boards or slip sheets) at the pallet level and used to reduce
exposure to product damage during storage, handling, or shipment. An additional charge for materials may be charged on a “cost-plus” basis, if not supplied by the client.

Product Recalls (Invoiced as Clerical Labor, Material Handler Labor, and Lift Truck) – An hourly charge associated with investigation and identification of the recalled product’s current disposition, as well as the receipt and/or segregation of any recalled product. Additional charges may apply for detailed inspection, rework, or disposal requested by the client. It is the responsibility of our client to inform their customer of a recall notification and to provide return authorization.

Product Setup (Invoiced as Product Setup) – The charge to set up a client’s product in our system. Depending upon the level of detail provided, this charge includes measuring the dimensions of the carton, weighing the product, verifying the contents of the carton, and setup of the product in our system. Each time new SKU’s are added, the per SKU charge may apply.

Product Transfer – See Transfer

Proof of Delivery (POD) (Invoiced as Proof of Delivery) – A set charge to recover labor costs when WSI is requested to obtain proof of delivery from the designated carrier.

Pumping Fee – See Transfer

Rebanding (Invoiced as Rebanding or Rebanding of Lumber) – This charge covers both the labor and material to replace broken or missing bands on bundles of lumber or other products.

Regulatory & Environmental Reporting (Invoiced as Regulatory Reporting) – A labor charge associated with the filing of regulatory and environmental reports such as (but not limited to) DHS, SARA/Tier II, as well as Risk Management and Process Safety Plans in accordance with governmental regulations. If outside resources are required to complete the reporting, these costs will be invoiced as a pass-through plus the markup percentage indicated in our agreement. This hourly charge also applies when the client requests the information needed to file their own reports.

Relabeling and/or Label Removal (Invoiced as Relabeling/Removal of Labels) – The charge to place new labels on a product by placing the label over an existing label or after removing the existing label. This charge typically includes the cost of generating and printing the label. Labels may be provided by WSI or the client. If WSI supplies the labels, the cost is included unless otherwise specified. This is charged on an hourly basis.

Renewal StorageAnniversary (Invoiced as Renewal Storage) – A storage charge that is billed in agreed-upon time periods. It is charged for a product still in inventory on the first day of each new time period. Time periods can be defined as 7-days, 15-days, 30-days, or other.

Renewal Storage – Minimum (Invoiced as Renewal Storage –Minimum) – The Renewal Storage – Minimum Charge is the minimum dollar amount that will be charged for renewal storage in
any given month. It is charged when the Renewal Storage – Monthly charges, based on the amount of product in the warehouse, are less than the Renewal Storage – Minimum. It is calculated by subtracting the actual Renewal Storage – Monthly amount from the Renewal Storage – Minimum amount.

Renewal Storage – Monthly (Invoiced as Renewal Storage) – A storage charge that is billed monthly. It is charged for the product still in inventory on the first day of each new calendar month.

Rent (Invoiced as Rent) – A designated amount paid by the client for the use of space exclusively for their product. Rent may be charged on a gross basis, which is inclusive of all costs associated with space, or on a triple net (NNN) basis where costs such as real estate taxes, insurance, maintenance, and utilities are charged to the client separate from the base rent.

Retailer Invoice – Paper or electronic (Invoiced as Retailer Invoice) – The charge to generate and send a paper or electronic invoice on behalf of WSI’s client for the sale of product to their retail customer.

Returns Processing (Invoiced as Returns Processing) – The charges to bring goods back into inventory that has been previously shipped to our client’s customer. In addition to inbound handling charges for receipt and put away, an hourly charge for inspection, documentation, and manual entry into the system apply.

Rewrapping (Invoiced as Rewrapping) – This charge covers the labor and material for replacing product wrapping that has been damaged.

Refurbishing Rolls (Invoiced as Refurbishing Rolls) – Refurbishing can involve a number of activities including replacing torn or damaged wraps, repairing loose headers, taping tears, and relabeling. Generally, the wrap and supplies are part of the price unless provided by the client. Refurbishing is charged on a per roll basis.

Rush Order – See Order Expediting

Same Day Order – See Order Expediting

Sample Requests (Invoiced as Sample Requests) – The charge for processing sample inventory requests. Typically, this involves retrieving product from inventory, pulling and packaging the sample, putting the remaining product back into inventory, and shipping of the sample. This is generally charged hourly unless otherwise specified in the agreement.

SARA Reporting (Invoiced as Clerical Labor) – See Regulatory & Environmental Reporting

Shipper’s Letter of Instruction (Invoiced as Export Papers Charge) – The administrative charge to have WSI prepare a Shipper’s Letter of Instruction (“SLI”) document. This is required when the shipper contracts directly with a freight forwarder. WSI communicates shipment details to the freight forwarder including pickup location, ultimate consignee, mode (ocean/air), terms of shipping, item descriptions, Schedule B numbers, quantities, weights, and value.

Shopping Cart Integration – Means connecting WSI and customer’s shopping platform(s) (e.g., Shopify), and maintaining such connection on an ongoing basis.

Shuttle (Invoiced as Shuttle Charge) – A charge to move a client’s trailer on a public roadway from one facility to another.

Slabbing (Invoiced as Slabbing) – Slabbing is the removal of the roll wrapper or banding, removing the damaged paper (called the slab), and then rewrapping or rebanding the roll. Note that linerboard rolls are generally not rewrapped. The slab material is weighed and that weight is subtracted from the weight listed on the existing mill label. A new label with the adjusted weight is applied to the roll as part of the slabbing cost. Generally, the wrap and supplies are part of the price unless provided by the client. Depending upon the amount of paper removed, there may be a disposal charge for the slabbed paper. Slabbing may be charged on a per roll or hourly basis.

Slip Sheeting (Invoiced as Slip Sheeting) – A charge which occurs when WSI physically transfers all of the product on one pallet, slip sheet or from the floor to another slip sheet. This is done in one movement using a lift truck and attachment, as opposed to pallet building, which entails hand stacking the product.

Small Parcel Shipment (Invoiced as Small Parcel Shipment) – A charge that covers the administrative time to process an order in a small parcel carriers’ system. If WSI’s small parcel account is used, the charge also includes the freight cost.

Staging Area (Invoiced as Staging Area Charge) – The storage charge for a newly received product that is temporarily placed in a staging location with the intent that the product will ship out within a few days of the original receipt. If the product remains in the facility beyond the agreed-upon staging period, additional storage charges will apply. This charge also applies if the picked product remains in a staging location beyond 24 hours of the agreed-upon ship time. This penalty charge is in addition to the agreed-upon storage charge. The charge is applied for each day the facility has scheduled operating hours. Non-scheduled operating days are excluded from the calculation of this charge.

Stenciling – See Labeling-Package/Unit

Stop in Transit (Invoiced as Stop In Transit) – A charge which is applied when a full truckload makes additional stops en route to its final destination.

Stretch Wrapping (Invoiced as Stretch Wrapping) – The charge for labor and materials to apply plastic film to an item or group of items in order to secure them. This may or may not include securing to a pallet.

Supervisor Labor (Invoiced as Supervisor Labor) – An hourly labor charge for an employee who provides managerial support or supervision of floor and office

Tank Cleaning (Invoiced as Tank Cleaning) – A charge applied if WSI is required to contract with a third-party service to clean a bulk tank or tanker trailer. WSI will confirm the third party service certifies that they follow applicable regulations to properly clean the tank and dispose of cleaning solution and residue generated from the tank/trailer. This service may also be performed by WSI personnel on certain occasions.

Tarping (Invoiced as Tarping) – A charge to cover an outbound load on a flatbed with a carrier provided tarp.

Transaction Charge (Invoiced as Transaction Charge) – The charge to cover the fixed office and operational costs to process a receipt or shipment. This includes the preparation and printing of receipts, packing lists, and bills of lading, the electronic distribution of said documents, as well as the creation of these documents from our system. It also includes the operational processes, such as driver check-in/out, vehicle processing, and vehicle sealing.

Transfer (Invoiced as Transfer) – The charge to transfer, or pump, a product from one container to another container.

Transload (Invoiced as Transload Charge) – The charge to unload product from a truck, container, or railcar into another transportation vehicle (s) for delivery. It is most commonly used when the inbound transportation vehicle cannot be used to make the delivery of the outbound order. Additional staging or storage charges may apply to product that remains at the facility beyond the allotted cross-dock period.

Transportation Coordination (Invoiced as Freight) – A charge that applies to non-WSI brokered transportation coordination that goes beyond one carrier contact for coordination of inbound receipts and/or outbound shipments.

Unapproved Product Charge (Invoiced as Unapproved Product Charge) – A charge which occurs when products requiring a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) arrives at a WSI facility prior to our approval of the product. The approval process requires submission of an OSHA GHS compliant Safety Data Sheet (SDS), along with other information requested by WSI. If the lack of approval is discovered prior to the product being unloaded, our first recourse is to refuse the shipment. A one-time Unapproved Product Charge will be billed at that time. If the product cannot be refused, or the unapproved product is discovered only after unloading, an Unapproved Product Charge will be incurred for each day the product is in our facility without an approved SDS. In addition to the Unapproved Product Charge, we reserve the right to charge for any additional expenses that we may incur related to the lack of an SDS.

Unloading Services (Invoiced as Unloading Services) – A charge applied when a WSI truck driver assists in unloading freight at the delivery address, an unloading services fee may apply. Unloading Services may also be invoiced when an outside service is utilized to manually load or unload freight from a truck or railcar.

Vehicle Inspection (Invoiced as Vehicle Inspection) – A charge associated with the inspection of an outbound trailer, container or railcar to verify that it is free of debris and obvious visual defects.

WSI Supplied Materials (Invoiced as Cost of Materials) – A charge for WSI provided materials such as pallets, boxes (and other packaging types), tape, corner protectors, slip sheets, dunnage, void fill, or other supplies. WSI may estimate in good faith the amount of certain materials used (e.g., tape or void fill) based on the size of the shipping container utilized for outbound orders.

Yard/Trailer Spotting (Invoiced as Yard/Trailer Spotting) – A charge that may be applied when a client’s trailer is relocated on the campus. This includes moves to or from a truck door to a trailer storage lot or truck door to the truck door.

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