Added Services Save Chemical Manufacturer Time and Money

One of WSI’s clients had their manufacturing plant located about a mile from our dedicated distribution facility. And yet, between leaving the manufacturing plant and arriving at the distribution center blocks away, the client’s polymer product was shipped 100 miles roundtrip for additional processing. WSI saw an opportunity to help a customer save time and money.

WSI researched and acquired the equipment necessary to package and grind the customer’s polymer product into flakes of specific sizes. They also set up a clean processing area within the warehouse, complete with air filters to contain the dust produced. With the new in-house capabilities, the customer’s polymer flakes could be processed, packaged, stored and distributed within blocks of their plant.

By eliminating the extra transportation step, WSI saved the customer hundreds of thousands of dollars in transportation costs annually and facilitated closer oversight of the overall process. Local processing also helped the customer reduce lead times and inventory levels, so they could fulfill orders more efficiently.

Sometimes, true partnership means looking beyond what is currently done to what can be done. How can WSI be a true partner to your business? To learn more, give us a call at 920.831.3700 or email us.

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