16 April, 2019


Seven years ago, WSI employees Tanya Rogers, Environment & Safety Coordinator, and Ryan Hannam, then Director of Safety, brought the company into the American Chemistry Council’s Responsible Care (RC) program.

Seven years ago, WSI employees Tanya Rogers, Environment & Safety Coordinator, and Ryan Hannam, then Director of Safety, brought the company into the American Chemistry Council’s Responsible Care (RC) program. The RC program includes 220 chemical manufacturers and hundreds of their partners who are directly involved in the sales, shipping, storage, treatment, and disposal of chemical products.

Since 1984, Responsible Care has guided its members and partners across 68 global economies in matters of chemical safety, security, employee health, and environmental care through a core set of Guiding Principles. To be approved for membership, each partner makes a CEO-level affirmation to follow the tenets of the program.


WSI made its mark on the Responsible Care program from the beginning recognized as both New Company of the Year and Partner of the Year in 2014 during our first full year of membership. Prior to joining RC, WSI had no standard operating procedures (SOPs) for hazardous chemicals. The thorough development and implementation of the program’s initiatives at the WSI chemical-handling facilities impressed the ACC and justified the double award. Receiving these awards affirmed WSI’s abilities and commitment – from the CEO level to the warehouse floor.

Responsible Care requires partner companies to set their own SOPs. Each partner must then:

  • Monitor the SOPs
  • Adjust the SOPs as necessary
  • Enforce all SOPs in everyday practice
  • Appropriately train employees to abide by the SOPs
  • Regularly audit the SOPs in the spirit of continuous improvement

Development and implementation of RC-compliant procedures requires significant time and effort on the part of the company leadership, managers, team leads, and employees. More chemical opportunities has allowed WSI to expand Responsible Care into 11 facilities—and the SOPs, the associated training and the audits have been applied successfully at each location.

To facilitate easier collaboration and better organization of our chemical opportunities for new and existing clients, Tanya and Jesse Jones, Director of Pricing, built a SharePoint site on the company intranet. This new site enables the organization and prioritization of each opportunity presented to WSI and gives us the ability to vet each new chemical opportunity more quickly.


The annual 2019 Responsible Care Conference & Expo is taking place April 15–17, 2019, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. At this event, ACC Responsible Care companies and their partners gather to learn and promote economic, environmental, and social responsibility in all chemical-related operations.

WSI is proud to announce that Tanya Rogers was recognized at the conference as the 2019 Responsible Care Partner Employee of the Year in recognition of her leadership and the integral role she played in the successful performance of the Responsible Care program across WSI’s network of chemical facilities.

After receiving the award, Tanya passed the credit to the WSI facilities:

This is a company achievement and company award. Nothing is accomplished in our chemical facilities without the diligence and commitment of our great facility managers, leads, and warehouse employees. I wish everyone could have their name on this award.

Our sincerest congratulations go out to Tanya and to every stakeholder at WSI who makes WSI a best-in-class provider of chemical warehousing and distribution.

If you would like more information about WSI and our award-winning chemical handling capabilities, please do not hesitate to contact us online or call us at 920-830-5000. Also, please follow us on Twitter for daily updates and logistics industry news.

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